It is challenging for Veterans to provide feedback and for employees to respond and resolve issues appropriately. Designed to respond to both Veteran and employee needs, this digital tool allows Veterans to submit feedback quickly, and simplifies employees workflows.
Key contributors: Han Wang, Ana Monroe Deloitte/Doblin consultants,VEO team
My role: UX research, Creative direction, Stakeholder management
The Problem
Joining the project late, we had the task of research lots of initial assumptions that helped frame the development of the concept. A core insight centers on the complex and variable channels through with Veterans can currently submit feedback to VA. furthermore, the way the feedback is documented, addressed and evaluated is also complex and shifts from location to location. 
The Initial concept
The original concept utilized a digital tool to route issues directly to the relevant service (for example the pharmacy for issues with medication), so that Veteran could receive realtime support. 
We led serval rounds of user testing and co design with veterans and caregivers moving from card sorting to paper prototypes and finally digital prototypes. Through a mix of intercept and scheduled interviews we rotated key stakeholders so that they could hear insights and see how people used the product first hand. This inclusive approach was crucial for gaining consensus later in the project.
From our field research we learned that Veterans don't expect or desire realtime support from VA. Furthermore, we found that they don't know enough about the issue or about the VA system to properly identify the service line causing an issue in order to route their feedback directly. A Vet might be upset because of a prescription issue, but the root cause of the issue could be their primary care doctor or even the brand making the medications. 

While we disproved some of the original hypothesis, we also validated others. Vets and employees were overwhelmed by the complex options for providing feedback. Employees and leaders told us they need better ways to track feedback to identify trends and root causes. 
Final concept
The final proposal shifts the focus from providing real time feedback directly to service lines, and instead highlights the efficiencies of providing a direct digital channel to patient advocates. Patient advocates are an existing role in each facility tasked with receiving and addressing feedback. They new iteration of the feedback tool provides digital tools to boost the patient advocate role, rather than replace it.

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