Mapping the Veterans Experience
To better understand the many services offered by the Veterans Administration, the Veterans Experience Office lead several national design research projects. working with multiple design teams and stakeholders we interviewed vets, caregivers, staff, and community leaders and developed multiple journey maps and helpful tools. 

The VA comprises a myriad of services that can span from a vets life from their teenage years all the way though to end of life. furthermore, the journey maps need to account for 
regional variation across the 3 separate organizations comprising the VA.

 Contributors: VEO, Deloitte, Public Policy Lab
After establishing the full Journeys of Veterans Map, we then dove deep into core services and key moments that matter. We collaborated across the enterprise to redevelop a range of communication materials as a cohesive package rather than one off content that may vary from location to location. 
Welcome Kit Development Process
Quick Start Guide Testing

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